Mon - Fri 9.00 - 16.00

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Why we do what we do


  • The World Health Organization (WHO) regards childhood obesity as one of the most serious global public health challenges for the 21st century.
  • Obese children are also more likely to become obese adults.
  • The (NCMP) measures the height and weight of around one million school children in England every year.
  • The latest figures, for 2012/13, show that 18.9% of children in Year 6 (aged 10-11) were obese and a further 14.4% were overweight.
  • Of children in Reception (aged 4-5), 9.3% were obese and another 13.0% were overweight. This means almost a third of 10-11 year olds and over a fifth of 4-5 year olds were overweight or obese.
  • Data is also available from the Health Survey for England (HSE), which includes a smaller sample of children than the NCMP but covers a wider age range. Results from 2012 show that around 28% of children aged 2 to 15 were classed as either overweight or obese. (Public Health England)

We are being pro-active about this crisis that exists for our children today .

Our curriculum is structured around a 30 or 45 minute lesson which includes warm up, simple aerobics, stretches, cool down and activities which are all designed to help the development of your child. We also include a short discussion on a different health related topic each week, which is now emailed directly to the parents. Children can colour it in and it can prompt discussion with parents. For example, names and identification of our muscles, foods that keep us healthy and strong, hygiene, brushing our teeth, getting enough sleep and having a happy outlook/self esteem. Our classes provide that structure and movement experience and more!.Reaching for the stars in a exercise class

Children do not just ‘develop’ fundamental motor skills with age as believed by many parents and care providers.

Children need instruction, practice and encouragement to develop these basic skills. Stretch-n-Grow can provide children with the activity, direction and encouragement required to develop to their full potential. We teach children that exercise is fun, but more than that, it is a complete health programme, which is aimed at encouraging the habits of a lifetime.

Working Hours

  • Monday 9am - 6pm
  • Tuesday 9am - 6pm
  • Wednesday 9am - 6pm
  • Thursday 9am - 6pm
  • Friday 9am - 6pm
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed