Mon - Fri 9.00 - 16.00

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Tax Advisor to Stretch-n-Grow Franchisee.

I worked as a Tax Advisor for ten years in Central London. While I enjoyed my work, after having children and moving to part time working, I found it very difficult to find a work-life balance with which I was happy.

My career progression was halted as I didn’t work full time and I started to feel like I was missing out on precious time with my two boys. When my older son started school last September reality struck – 4 years had passed by so quickly and I realised that something in my life had to change so that I could be there more for my children. From the small things, like being at school to drop off and pick my son up, to being at home in the evenings, and being able to give my children my undi-vided attention rather than checking my work emails or taking work related calls.

My husband and I spoke at length about what could be changed in our lifestyle to allow me to spend more quality time with our children, without giving up work altogether. It was abundantly clear that I couldn’t continue to commute to Central London and pursue my career, as well as be there for my children, so I decided that the time had come to leave my job of 5 years. I was always very clear that I wanted to have some kind of job, as I couldn’t see myself staying at home and not working, so I started exploring job opportunities which would fit in around my son’s school hours.

 “The idea of a franchise appealed to me”

The idea of a franchise appealed to me as it meant I would own my own business and could therefore be my own boss. I was familiar with Stretch-n-Grow classes and thought that teaching classes was something I could see myself doing. I was of course apprehensive as it would be a huge change in direction from the work I had previously done, but I was equally excited at the prospect of something new and different. I am fortunate to have a very supportive family and network of friends, and they have been very positive about my change in job. A number of people – friends and family members – have commented that the change suits me and they can see that I am a happier and more content person.

 “I used to describe my weekdays as manic from start to finish as I was constantly running to and from work/school juggling a million things at once, but now I feel much more settled and in control. “Becoming a franchisee has undoubtedly improved my family life.”

The best thing so far is when…

Becoming a franchisee has undoubtedly improved my family life – my children love practising the new monthly routines with me and ask if we can do a class during the week when the mood takes them! I know that they appreciate having me around more, as I am now able to give them so much more of my time. The best thing so far is when the children I teach or the nursery staff tell me that the children have missed me (for example when I had a week off at Easter) and the welcome I receive from some of the children when I turn up for our class – hugs, cheers and plenty of smiling faces. You can’t help but look forward to the day ahead when you know this is what you can expect! There have been parts of every month’s routine which I have really enjoyed, but so far my favourite rou-tine has been ‘Going on a bear hunt’ during Camping month. The children’s imagination really came to life and we had a thoroughly enjoyable time!

Working Hours

  • Monday 9am - 6pm
  • Tuesday 9am - 6pm
  • Wednesday 9am - 6pm
  • Thursday 9am - 6pm
  • Friday 9am - 6pm
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed