Mon - Fri 9.00 - 16.00

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Pre School  3 years-4 years Our classes are..Fun.Fun,Fun.Fun

A specially designed holistic health and fitness programme for pre-school children from the age of 3 years up to 7 years in the form of a weekly class conducted weekly by a fully trained Stretch-n-Grow instructor. A measured amount of exercise in every class we teach. Underpinned by science there is a structure and format to our lesson plans. Supporting strong links to Early years Curriculum such as the EYFS and Curriculum for Excellence in Scotland .

97.9% of nurseries surveyed believe that children who attend our classes develop a basic awareness of their bodies.

A structured age related lesson plan is delivered by fully trained fully qualified Children’s Fitness Coaches on a weekly basis. Children as well as exercising are learning all the time about the benefits of exercising, they learn about their bodies, their muscles, about eating healthily and lots of other relevant topics.  Improved Strength, Endurance and Flexibility The programme comprises a three-year curriculum.

Endorsed by fitness and child development experts.  Tick

See also  Primary Programme  Wobbler programme Wriggler Programme

© Stretch-n-Grow 2015 • Cheshire, SK11 9BN • Tel: +44 1625 861779

Website Designed by Cherie