Mon - Fri 9.00 - 16.00

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Early Years curriculum, where we link.

Educational Foundations of Stretch-n-Grow:

Early Years Curriculum is followed, as we deliver a comprehensive holistic health and fitness programme tailored for pre-school and primary school children. Our curriculum is meticulously designed to align with key educational frameworks: the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in England, Curriculum for Excellence in Scotland, and Key Stage 1 in primary schools.

Programme Structure and Curriculum:

We offer structured weekly classes of varying durations, ensuring age-appropriate engagement. Our programmes include:

Our classes are led by trained part-time instructors within pre-schools, nurseries, crèches, and primary schools across designated areas. The curriculum operates on a three-year rolling cycle, continuously refined and endorsed by fitness and child development experts to ensure relevance and effectiveness.

Educational Support and Resources:

Early Years Curriculum & Development with Stretch-n-GrowAlignment with Educational Principles:

Stretch-n-Grow’s programmes are built upon the fundamental principle of establishing healthy lifestyle habits in early childhood. This directly supports the core tenets of the EYFS, emphasising:

Key EYFS Links:The Early Years Curriculium

  • Physical Development:
    • Stretch-n-Grow heavily emphasises gross and fine motor skills development. Their programs include activities that improve coordination, balance, and movement, all of which are core components of the EYFS physical development area.
    • It encourages active play, which is essential for children’s physical health and well-being.
    • It promotes healthy habits from an early age, establishing a foundation for lifelong fitness.
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
    • Group activities within Stretch-n-Grow foster teamwork, cooperation, and communication skills.
    • The programs aim to build children’s confidence and self-esteem through positive reinforcement and achievement.
    • Participation in structured activities helps children develop social skills and learn to follow instructions.
  • Communication and Language:
    • While primarily focused on physical activity, Stretch-n-Grow sessions often include discussions about health-related topics, expanding children’s vocabulary and understanding.
    • Following instructions during activities also enhances listening skills.

Early Years Curriculum Educational Links and Stretch-n-GrowHow Stretch-n-Grow Aligns with EYFS Principles:

  • Holistic Development:
    • Stretch-n-Grow recognises that physical development is interconnected with other areas of learning. Their programmes contribute to children’s overall well-being and cognitive development.
  • Learning Through Play:
    • The programmes utilise fun, engaging activities and themes to keep children motivated and involved, aligning with the EYFS principle of learning through play.
  • Individual Needs:
    • While providing a structured programme, Stretch-n-Grow instructors are trained to adapt activities to meet the individual needs of children.

In essence, Stretch-n-Grow provides a structured and engaging way for children to develop essential physical skills and healthy habits, all within a framework that supports the EYFS goals. If you would like to know more about child development or The Early Years Curriculum or you have any questions Contact us

© Stretch-n-Grow 2015 • Tel: +44 75080 17213

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