Mon - Fri 9.00 - 16.00

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Our Programmes in Cheshire


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Click to enroll your child/children in classes, or get further information on booking classes for your venue.

(A parents class management system is currently under construction)


Click to  get further information on booking classes for your venue.

97.9% of nurseries surveyed believe that children who attend our classes develop a basic awareness of their bodies

Fun Children's Fitness Classes

97.9% of nurseries surveyed believe that children who attend our classes develop a basic awareness of their bodies

 Stretch-n-Grow Cheshire was stared in 2002 with ‘Summer Camps’ in Wilmslow, in the months of July and August. With a roll out of the programme across south Manchester nurseries in  September 2002. As well as delivering classes locally we have also experienced national growth. Growth has mainly been organic with ” Like Minded Individuals” mainly mum’s of nursery or school age children joining us having experienced the programme first hand through their children.  We have received accolades for our training and for 2015 we introduced Paediatric First Aid and Safeguarding programmes as part of our Stretch-n-Grow coach and franchisee training.With regular quarterly coach camps, you can rest assured that our workforce is not only well trained but well supported with good materials and a wealth of knowledge. We love to hear from parents and still after 18 years we are hearing that the highlight of the week is still the stretch-n-Grow class.

A selection of class handouts and worksheets

February Handouts for all classes.

February 1      February 2       February 3        February 4

March Handouts for all classes.

March 1       March 2      March 3       March 4

April Handouts for all classes.

April 1          April 2     April 3    April 4     April 5

May Handouts for all classes.

May 1            May 2           May 3          May 4          May 5

June Handouts for all classes.

June 1            June 2       June 3        June 4

Terms and conditions

    Dear Parents,

    We need you to complete this Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire in order for your children to participate in class,
    Thank you

    Nursery/School Name :

    Location :

    Your Child’s name :

    Please answer and choose as appropriate:
    Is your child known to have any heart problems? YESNO
    Is your child diabetic? YESNO If yes please tell us which type? TYPE 1TYPE 2
    Has your child got asthma? YESNO
    Has your child got any disabilities? YESNO
    If yes please provide more information?

    Is there any reason why your child cannot participate in any of our programmes at Stretch-n-Grow?

    Parent/Guardian Signature :

    Confirm the details are correct :

    Address :

    Telephone :

    Email :


    © Stretch-n-Grow 2015 • Cheshire, 075080177213

    Website Designed by Cherie